Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.
SPEAK UP ! 雙語會話
Let’s get a bucket and a mop and clean up (4/5) 我們一起帶水桶和拖把去幫她打掃(四) A: Next, the bathroom. I’ve got some bathroom cleaner here. B: Since you did the difficult job removing the lichen from the balcony, I’ll volunteer to do the toilet bowl. Toilet brush: check. Plunger, if needed: check. Toilet cleaner…where’s the toilet cleaner? A: It’s sitting on the cistern. Remember to clean under the toilet rim and wipe the outside, too. I’m going for the shower cubicle. B: Yes, those tiles could do with a good wipe, especially near the floor. There’s black mold growing there. A: She’s my grandmother, so I should do this for her. It’s really nice of you to muck in. B: OK, let’s rinse it all down with the shower, and then tackle the bedroom. A: 現在要來打掃浴室。我這邊有一些浴廁清潔劑。 B: 因為陽台上的苔蘚是你清理的,這是苦差事,那我就自告奮勇來清馬桶吧。馬桶刷,有了;通馬桶的吸盤,有了;馬桶清潔劑……欸,馬桶清潔劑在哪裡啊? A: 在水箱上。記得馬桶邊緣底下要清乾淨,外面也要擦。我來打掃淋浴間。 B: 很好,那邊的磁磚可以好好擦一下,尤其是靠近地上的部分,那邊發霉黑黑的。 A: 她是我奶奶,所以應該是我來做才對。你人真好,還願意一起出力。 B: OK,我們用蓮蓬頭把它沖乾淨,然後來打掃臥室。 (Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱譯) English 英文: Chinese 中文:
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